The Scottsboro Boys | Theatre Raleigh | Jennifer Robertson Photography


Help fulfill CATG’s day to day funding requirements and support our abilities to provide high quality programs to our expansive regional theater industry by becoming an individual donor.



Want to take your investment of CATG to the next level? Consider becoming a sponsor of the North Carolina Playwrights Lab and help our NC playwrights get the next homegrown classic produced!

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2024 North Carolina Playwrights Lab Support

Event Sponsors – $3,000 +

Debbie and Mark Hammersla

Sara Lynn and KD Kennedy, Jr

Productions Sponsors – $1500 – $2,999

Michael Kennedy

Martha and Ron Seib

Supporters – $500 – $1,499

Linda and Michael Sheaffer

Backers – $1 – $499

Kelly Fehrenbacher

Sherri Goldberg

Kye Hofman

Carol Huffman

Mark Seib

Lucille Will